Take Charge of Your Business: 

With The

3-Month Business Accelerator Programme

Work weekly with seasoned business coach Clyde Langley for 3 months to take your business from chaos to control to give you the freedom you deserve!

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This Service Is Just For You, If You Relate 👇🏼...

Constant FireFighting

Do you constantly feel like you are putting out fires in your business, or experiencing high levels of  inefficiencies costing you time, money and credibility?

Never Have Time

Are always running out of time to complete tasks. Or constantly feeling you are so busy but are not sure what you have accomplished?

Poor Hiring

Are you constantly making hiring decisions based solely on first impressions, only to suffer significant consequences later on?

Never Enough Money

Are struggling with things like payroll, supplier payments, or paying yourself late if you even pay yourself at all?

If You Relate to Any of These Challenges, Let's Jump On a Complimentary Call to Discuss Some Solutions.

What We Will Get Started On...

Business Snapshot

Before we can begin to implement changes to the business, we need to establish the current status quo, a snapshot of the business.

Getting Clarity & Focus On What YOU want.

It's important to start any journey with a destination, knowing what you want to achieve in your business and reconnecting with your goals and aspirations is the very first place we'll start.

Your Numbers

We'll take a dive into your financials to hear what the business would say if it could talk. Understanding the financial position of the business is imperative to uncovering what is needed in the business to start moving the needle towards profitability.

What Are You Doing With Your Time

The moment you are in complete control of your time is the moment that your business truly begins to respond. As your coach, I will work with you on success-proven strategies to help you improve your management of the time you have.

Business Blindspot - Systems, Team, Service Delivery, Marketing, Sales and Operations 

We will assess how the business rates in all the main areas of business and actively work to improve all major systems of your business.

What Clients Have To Say About The Results They Are Getting...

About Your Coach

Coach Clyde Langley has over 20 years of experience owning, managing and growing small businesses, Clyde has turned his profession towards helping business owners overcome the challenges faced when it comes to running and growing their businesses by working side by side, guiding, mentoring & coaching entrepreneurs to overcome their challenges to create businesses that offer, freedom, flexibility and stability to their lives.

As a dedicated business coach, I genuinely believe in your undiscovered potentials and am wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting you in accomplishing your business objectives. Not only do I aim to ignite your drive for achieving excellence, but I also strive to serve you in working through any obstacles that may arise by implementing a customized approach. Furthermore, I will foster a supportive atmosphere for your personal development, actively listen to your concerns, and work together with you to overcome any challenges. Throughout our partnership, we will celebrate achievements and convert setbacks into valuable experiences.

Clyde's Career To Date

Coming from a small business, I established an I.T firm in 2002 and was a co-owner for 13 years. In 2015, I sold my shares in the company for 6 figures, as I wanted to pursue my true passion of business coaching and assisting small business owners. Coaching has always been my ultimate passion, as it allows me to unearth and nurture the potential within every individual I work with. My coaching philosophy is straightforward: I strive for tangible results and aim to build enduring relationships with all my clients. Alongside my coaching career, To date, I have assisted countless business owners to find clarity, freedom and an increase in profitability using success-proven strategies. I am a proud father of two and a devoted husband to an incredible partner. Currently residing in Jakarta, Indonesia, we are embracing the opportunity to travel, explore different cultures, and provide our children with the chance to become global citizens.

Stop The Cycle Of Continuous Business Frustration: The Path To a Stable, Profitable Business And Personal Freedom Awaits.

A Structured 3 Month Business Accelerator Programme

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